Card Type Message

Last Update: June 7, 2024


A card-type message is a message format in which multiple elements, such as images, can be displayed by sliding them horizontally. This message method allows for richer communication with users.



This article describes how to create and deliver card-type messages in LITTLE HELP CONNECT.

1. Creating Card Type Messages

To begin, create the card type message you wish to deliver.

From the Marketing tab, select Card Type Message

Click on “Create Card Type Message” in the upper right corner of the screen.

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Card Type Enter a title for the message and select a card type.

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Configure the settings for the selected card type.
Only one card type can be set at a time.


Common Item Description


  • ①Card preview screen
    • Click Save in the lower left corner of the screen to apply the settings.
  • ②Add a card
    • Click to add cards. Up to 9 cards can be set.
  • ③Editing card
    • Click on a number to set up another card.

      Cards cannot be moved by dragging while editing.

  • ④This is the upload form for the image to be displayed on the card. You can set one image for the selected card number.
  • ⑤Uncheck the checkbox at the beginning of an input item to hide that item. Items without a checkbox are required.

This completes the creation of the card type message. Next, set up the delivery of the created message.


2. Card type message delivery

Deliver the card type message you created.

From the Marketing tab, select Message Delivery, then select Create Delivery in the upper right corner of the screen.

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Select a title and delivery format for any message.

This article will be produced with an automated message and the message will be templated.スクリーンショット 2024-04-19 14.58.57


If you select Card Type Message in Message Type, you can select a card type message that has already been created.



Press save and then click save for confirmation and automation.



After sending the test message, save it for automation.



The messages you create can be used to send messages in chat flows, auto-responders, and HubSpot workflows.



This completes the creation of the card type message and setting up the delivery. Thank you for your time.