Mechanism and features of how LINE contacts are made

Last Update: July 8, 2024

LITTLE HELP CONNECT allows you to manage your LINE friends as HubSpot contacts (hereafter referred to as LINE contacts).

This article explains how contacts are created via LINE and its features.

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How LINE Contacts are Created

When using LITTLE HELP CONNECT, LINE contacts are created at the following times.

  • Action by friends
    • When you add a LINE official account as a friend.
    • When you send a reply message to the official LINE account.
    • When you unblocked the official LINE account.

  • Actions by LITTLE HELP CONNECT users
    • Timing of importing official LINE count friends.
    • When you created a contact with the value of the "LINE User ID" property directly in HubSpot in some way *.

      * You can force the creation of a LINE contact by manually or via the API, by giving the contact property "LINE User ID" a value.

How to see your LINE Contacts

LINE Contacts can be viewed at

  • HubSpot
    • A contact with a value in the contact property "LINE User ID" is a LINE contact.
    • You can check your friends under "Friends" in "LITTLE HELP CONNECT TOP > Channels > LINE Official Accounts > Select Card".

      LITTLE HELP CONNECT's "friends" are displayed by referring to HubSpot's contact information; LITTLE HELP CONNECT does not hold any "friend" data.

Features of LINE Contacts

LINE-related properties that must have a value

LINE contacts created via LITTLE HELP CONNECT will always have values for the following properties by default.

  • LINE User ID
    The LINE User ID is stored.

  • LINE User Name
    Stores the registered name of the LINE user.

  • LINE User Picture
    Stores the URL of the LINE profile picture.

  • LINE ID Sync Date 
    Stores the date when the LINE User ID was first synced to HubSpot.

  • LINE Follow
    The follow status is stored (YES: follow, NO: block).

To see all LINE-related properties, please refer to the following article.
Details of LINE Contact Properties


How to Manage E-mails

The "Email" property of a LINE Contact will store one of the following email addresses

  • Email address with generic domain
    • LINE friends have registered their e-mail addresses when they create their LINE accounts. In addition, if you have given permission to provide your email address to LINE Official Count, your general email address will be stored in the "Email" section. (e.g.,
  • Email address with domain ""
    • LINE友だちが、LINEアカウントにメールアドレスを登録していない。もしくは、登録はしているがLINE公式カウントにメールアドレス提供の許可をしなかった場合、「Eメール」にはLITTLE HELP CONNECTが任意で作成したメールアドレスがダミーデータとして保存されます。(例

      How to Create Dummy Data
      Dummy data is created by adding "" to the end of your friend's "LINE User ID". (e.g. [LINE User ID]

      Background of creating dummy data
      Due to HubSpot specifications, contacts that do not have an "Email" are not eligible for tracking, and we are unable to obtain whether or not they have opened or clicked on a LINE message. By including dummy data in the "Email", not only opens and clicks, but also various other activity information can be tracked, which is why we are creating dummy data.

Conditions for displaying a LINE icon next to the contact name

When a LINE friend is registered with HubSpot, a LINE icon may appear to the left of the contact's name.

The LINE icon will appear only when the following two conditions are met

  • 1. contacts created on HubSpot by either of the following methods
    • Imported by LITTLE HELP CONNECT
    • Replied by a friend
    • Unblocked by a friend
  • 2. contacts whose email address could not be obtained from LINE