Rich Video Messages

Las Update: June 23, 2023

Rich Video Messages is a feature that allows you to register videos to be delivered to your LINE friends. The videos registered here will become contents that can be used for Broadcasts.

To register a Rich Video Messages, first upload your video to LITTLE HELP CONNECT. Select "Marketing > Rich Video Messages > Upload Video" from the administration menu.

Enter a title and upload a video file in mp4 format. The title is information that can only be viewed by the user operating LITTLE HELP CONNECT, so give it a name that is easy for the LINE staff to understand.

The maximum size of a video file is 30 MB. If you wish to upload a file larger than 30 MB, please turn on the "Use external storage" option.

Next, set the video details.

The video preview may not be reflected properly. Please be assured that as long as there are no errors, the video is reflected without any problems. If you wish to check it yourself, you can send a test transmission via Message Delivery and check it on the actual LINE application.

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The description of each item is as follows The only required field is "Alt Text.
After completing the settings, click the "Save" button.

  • Alt text: Text that will be displayed to the customer if the video cannot be delivered for some reason.
  • Label: Text that will be displayed to the customer on the talk list screen, during video playback, and after video playback.
  • Link URL: Enter the URL to which the user will be redirected after the video is played.

Return to the list of Rich Video Messages to see if video is "enabled". If the advanced settings are correct, it will automatically be turned on and available for message delivery.

To reflect the message in the message delivery, please create a message from "Marketing > Broadcasts> Create Broadcast" in the administration screen.
Below is a sample of the message creation screen.
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